Pipeline Signals Overview
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Learning Solutions
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Pipeline Signals

Proven Best Practices with An Enduring Track Record
500,000+ sellers have been trained in our courseware in 600+ organizations globally.
We are your Prospecting & Account Growth testing laboratory, constantly experimenting to see what works.
Once proven, we roll it out to our global community of sellers worldwide.
Some vendors offer ideas and concepts they may have partial experience with.
When it comes to Prospecting & Account Growth, no single entity has the in-depth knowledge and best practices in a single library.

Unlimited Users & Site License
Achieve learning democratization at scale from Day 1.
Learning is fully & equally available to all sellers within your organization.
You won’t have to pick and choose who has access and who doesn’t based on budget or price.
Everyone is eligible to access learning.
Learning solutions are still mired with legacy pricing models. Pricing per head, per group/class/team, etc. is very much the reality.
This makes other vendor solutions deeply unaffordable and, therefore, inhibits your pipeline development progress.

New Hires & Onboarding
You can embed Pipeline Signals learning directly into your new hire program to equalize skill sets rapidly.
Give new hires the ability to join their certified peers to start producing pipeline quickly.
With legacy pricing models, most learning solutions are unattainable for new hires.
Plus, a direct embedding of the program in your onboarding is likely unavailable as an option.

Multi-language Coverage
We offer our flagship programs in multiple languages (currently in subtitles, soon in voiceover) so you can onboard, train, certify and recertify your global sales team.
Available in 10 languages, including:
English + Spanish + French + Italian + German + Russian + Mandarin + Korean + Japanese + Brazilian Portuguese.
No other digital sales provider offers rich multi-language support for all programs.

Multi-platform Coverage
Although LinkedIn is the centerpiece, many other regional platforms are used for social selling & digital sales.
We currently offer Social Selling Mastery® on 7 platforms, including:
LinkedIn + Twitter + Facebook + XING + WhatsApp + WeChat + LINE
Most vendors will offer learning on LinkedIn or a regional platform only.

Regular Updates to Curriculum
Curriculum is regularly updated and kept current as tools, processes and best practices change.
Sellers always access newer versions ensuring learning immersion is not diluted.
Most vendors simply can’t keep their curriculum current. But digital learning is dynamic and requires regular updates.

Practical Assignments & Applications
Application is a key component of learning.
We require sellers to apply concepts along the learning journey to test and produce outcomes.
The learning isn’t just in theory, it’s in practice.
Static learning without a deep emphasis on application is still very much the norm in the enablement industry.
Most vendors don’t have challenging and outcome-based assignments that force users to practice concepts in real life.

Grading + Reporting
All programs require assignment completion and certifications.
These tailored assignments are fully graded.
Plus, you are able to access real-time learning performance reports to see progress by user, team or the company as a whole.
While grading and reporting is available by some vendors, real-time access and regular updates isn’t. With Pipeline Signals, it’s the norm.

Outcome-based Certifications & Recertifications
Every program offers the ability to become certified.
Certifications require sellers to produce a real-life result, verifying learned skills and confidence in generating future results.
Additionally, recertifications are available for updated programs to ensure all sellers are current in the latest skill sets.
Most learning solutions typically end with assessments to test general knowledge.
This may validate that knowledge is absorbed.
Pipeline Signals goes much deeper and validates real-life results with certifications.

Virtual Live Learning
Deploy learning programs rapidly – usually per quarter – without the headache of waiting for in-person meetups.
While we can join you in-person, virtual live learning ensures sellers’ needs are met globally.
Most vendors started offering virtual live training during the pandemic.

Daily 1-on-1 Coaching Availability
Sellers can access our experts on a daily basis with private 1-on-1 coaching and office hours sessions.
They’re fully supported in assignment completion, real-life application support and more.
Most learning vendors don’t offer a daily office hours schedule with 1-on-1 private support for your global sales team.

Simultaneous Learning
Run multiple learning experiences (cohorts) simultaneously with a globally dispersed audience.
Achieve results faster with accelerated training delivery.
Most learning vendors can’t replicate the speed and global audience requirements of large enterprise companies.

Daily 1-on-1 Coaching Availability
Leverage the power of your internal sales enablement, excellent, readiness or training team by utilizing our Train-the-Trainer program.
We will license and certify each trainer on your team to spread learning programs quickly within the confines of your systems and processes.
Most learning vendors don’t offer Train-the-Trainer programs, hindering the ability of your professional trainers to become deeply involved in program deployment.

Daily 1-on-1 Coaching Availability
Sometimes you just want to merge and integrate your learning content with a vendor’s.
You’re in luck! We offer this capability and will customize entire learning programs to your sales methodologies, processes, branding, terminology and more.
Sellers access a truly beautiful learning experience with virtually no friction.
The vast majority of learning vendors don’t offer customized training content with all videos, guides and more.
Learning Solutions
Compare Pipeline Signals learning solutions to other providers to see the benefits.
Pipeline Signals

Proven Best Practices with An Enduring Track Record
500,000+ sellers have been trained in our courseware in 600+ organiza-tions globally.
We are your Prospec-ting & Account Growth testing laboratory, constantly experimen-ting to see what works.
Once proven, we roll it out to our global community of sellers worldwide.
Some vendors offer ideas and concepts they may have partial experience with.
When it comes to Prospecting & Account Growth, no single entity has the in-depth knowledge and best practices in a single library.

Unlimited Users & Site License
Achieve learning democrati-zation at scale from Day 1.
Learning is fully & equally available to all sellers within your organi-zation.
You won’t have to pick and choose who has access and who doesn’t based on budget or price.
Everyone is eligible to access learning.
Learning solutions are still mired with legacy pricing models. Pricing per head, per group/
class/team, etc. is very much the reality.
This makes other vendor solutions deeply unafford-able and, therefore, inhibits your pipeline develop-ment progress.

New Hires & On boarding
You can embed Pipeline Signals learning directly into your new hire program to equalize skill sets rapidly.
Give new hires the ability to join their certified peers to start producing pipeline quickly.
With legacy pricing models, most learning solutions are unattain-able for new hires.
Plus, a direct embedding of the program in your onboarding is likely unavailable as an option.

Multi-language Coverage
We offer our flagship programs in multiple languages (currently in subtitles, soon in voiceover) so you can onboard, train, certify and recertify your global sales team.
Available in 10 languages, including:
English + Spanish + French + Italian + German + Russian + Mandarin + Korean + Japanese + Brazilian Portuguese.
No other digital sales provider offers rich multi-language support for all programs.

Multi-platform Coverage
Although LinkedIn is the center-piece, many other regional platforms are used for social selling & digital sales.
We currently offer Social Selling Mastery® on 7 platforms, including:
LinkedIn + Twitter + Facebook + XING + WhatsApp + WeChat + LINE
Most vendors will offer learning on LinkedIn or a regional platform only.

Regular Updates to Curriculum
Curriculum is regularly updated and kept current as tools, processes and best practices change.
Sellers always access newer versions ensuring learning immersion is not diluted.
Most vendors simply can’t keep their curriculum current. But digital learning is dynamic and requires regular updates.

Practical Assign ments & Appli cations
Application is a key component of learning.
We require sellers to apply concepts along the learning journey to test and produce outcomes.
The learning isn’t just in theory, it’s in practice.
Static learning without a deep emphasis on application is still very much the norm in the enablement industry.
Most vendors don’t have challenging and outcome-based assign-ments that force users to practice concepts in real life.

Grading + Reporting
All programs require assignment completion and certifi-cations.
These tailored assign-ments are fully graded.
Plus, you are able to access real-time learning perfor-mance reports to see progress by user, team or the company as a whole.
While grading and reporting is available by some vendors, real-time access and regular updates isn’t. With Pipeline Signals, it’s the norm.

Outcome-based Certifi cations & Recertifi cations
Every program offers the ability to become certified.
Certifi-cations require sellers to produce a real-life result, verifying learned skills and confidence in generating future results.
Additio-nally, recertifi-cations are available for updated programs to ensure all sellers are current in the latest skill sets.
Most learning solutions typically end with assessments to test general knowledge.
This may validate that knowledge is absorbed.
Pipeline Signals goes much deeper and validates real-life results with certifi-cations.

Virtual Live Learning
Deploy learning programs rapidly – usually per quarter – without the headache of waiting for in-person meetups.
While we can join you in-person, virtual live learning ensures sellers’ needs are met globally.
Most vendors started offering virtual live training during the pandemic.

Daily 1-on-1 Coaching Availability
Sellers can access our experts on a daily basis with private 1-on-1 coaching and office hours sessions.
They’re fully supported in assignment completion, real-life application support and more.
Most learning vendors don’t offer a daily office hours schedule with 1-on-1 private support for your global sales team.

Simultan eous Learning
Run multiple learning experie-nces (cohorts) simultane ously with a globally dispersed audience.
Achieve results faster with accele rated training delivery.
Most learning vendors can’t replicate the speed and global audience require ments of large enterprise companies.

Train-the-Trainer Program
Leverage the power of your internal sales enable ment, excellent, readiness or training team by utilizing our Train-the-Trainer program.
We will license and certify each trainer on your team to spread learning programs quickly within the confines of your systems and processes.
Most learning vendors don’t offer Train-the-Trainer programs, hindering the ability of your professio nal trainers to become deeply involved in program deploy ment.

Fully Customi zed Training Content
Sometimes you just want to merge and integrate your learning content with a vendor’s.
You’re in luck! We offer this capability and will customize entire learning programs to your sales methodo logies, processes, branding, termino logy and more.
Sellers access a truly beautiful learning experience with virtually no friction.
The vast majority of learning vendors don’t offer customized training content with all videos, guides and more.
Sales Intelligence Solutions
Not all sales intelligence solutions are equal. See how we can support you with smart lead flow that’s statistically more likely to convert.
Pipeline Signals

Sales Intelligence with Training + Coaching
You’ve got data, now what?
All the data provided by “data only” providers is about the same.
Pipeline Signals goes much further by enabling sellers on how to use signals and generally how to enable pipeline more broadly.
Most data solutions are just that.
Think about your tech stack today and how much enablement is missing.

Simple Integrations
Without complicated Information Security requirements, we can integrate into any system that matters to you.
This includes CRM, Sales Engagement, Marketing Automation, Sales Planning tools and more.
This is usually achieved in 1 hour or less.
Most vendors offer dedicated CRM apps requiring Information Security approvals.
Plus, if CRM usage is minimal, most leads delivered there will be missed.

No Integration Capability
If you have strict Information Security policies and can’t allow any vendor into your systems, we offer signals in CSV format.
When you’re ready to discuss integrations, we can be available to complete all Information Security compliance requirements.
Most vendors offer dedicated CRM apps with little to no ability to deliver data in CSVs or other simple formats.

Classify Signals with Your Details
While our signals include 30+ fields, sometimes you may want your information.
Append signals with data that helps you better classify, store and route signals.
With fixed data delivery apps in CRM, most vendors can’t append leads with your data for better, faster and accurate categorization.

Growing Signal Library
For better prioritization, we offer 7 signals in our library.
We continue to add to this regularly to help with pipeline development & account growth.
Most data vendors in this space only offer up to 3 signals.
With this limited information, you’ll have a hard time prioritizing leads.

Simple Descriptions for Faster Action
You don’t need a PhD to understand our signals. Sellers know what they mean for immediate action.
For example: Contact Sally Meyer at Walmart. They’ve joined as their VP of Retail Operations in the last 30 days and used to be the Director of Retail Operations at our customer Target. Their email address is example@example.com and their LinkedIn profile is www.linkedin.com/in/signalurl
Most other vendors include symbols and basic info to label their signals leading to more questions.

Signal Notification
We notify users about signals regularly (usually a few times per month) via email + Slack / Teams channels.
Other vendors keep notifications turned off or available with symbols within their CRM modules.
This requires users to return to CRM or other apps just to check for new signals.
Sales Intelligence Solutions
Not all sales intelligence solutions are equal. See how we can support you with smart lead flow that’s statistically more likely to convert.
Pipeline Signals

Sales Intelli gence with Training + Coaching
You’ve got data, now what?
All the data provided by “data only” providers is about the same.
Pipeline Signals goes much further by enabling sellers on how to use signals and generally how to enable pipeline more broadly.
Most data solutions are just that.
Think about your tech stack today and how much enablement is missing.

Simple Inte grations
Without compli-cated Infor-mation Security require-ments, we can integrate into any system that matters to you.
This includes CRM, Sales Engage-ment, Marketing Auto-mation, Sales Planning tools and more.
This is usually achieved in 1 hour or less.
Most vendors offer dedicated CRM apps requiring Infor-mation Security approvals.
Plus, if CRM usage is minimal, most leads delivered there will be missed.

No Inte gration Capability
If you have strict Infor-mation Security policies and can’t allow any vendor into your systems, we offer signals in CSV format.
When you’re ready to discuss integr-ations, we can be available to complete all Infor-mation Security compliance require-ments.
Most vendors offer dedicated CRM apps with little to no ability to deliver data in CSVs or other simple formats.

Classify Signals with Your Details
While our signals include 30+ fields, sometimes you may want your information.
Append signals with data that helps you better classify, store and route signals.
With fixed data delivery apps in CRM, most vendors can’t append leads with your data for better, faster and accurate categori-zation.

Growing Signal Library
For better prioriti-zation, we offer 7 signals in our library.
We continue to add to this regularly to help with pipeline develop-ment & account growth.
Most data vendors in this space only offer up to 3 signals.
With this limited information, you’ll have a hard time prioritizing leads.

Simple Descrip tions for Faster Action
You don’t need a PhD to understand our signals. Sellers know what they mean for immediate action.
For example: Contact Sally Meyer at Walmart. They’ve joined as their VP of Retail Operations in the last 30 days and used to be the Director of Retail Operations at our customer Target. Their email address is example@
Most other vendors include symbols and basic info to label their signals leading to more questions.

Signal Notifi cation
We notify users about signals regularly (usually a few times per month) via email + Slack / Teams channels.
Other vendors keep notifi-cations turned off or available with symbols within their CRM modules.
This requires users to return to CRM or other apps just to check for new signals.