How do you de-risk your accounts at the time of renewal?
More often than not, CSMs only have 1-2 contacts in an account.
What happens when these 1-2 people leave the account? Your renewal is now at risk.
The bottom line is to find more people in accounts to prevent this. You can do this by looking at former customers joining this account or new hires in this account.
You might be selling a solution and working with the chief technology officer, the VP, and the director of a company, and all three of them could leave in one year. What happens then?
We give you signals to keep track of all the main people in your account. As a CSM, you can reach out in a friendly manner and introduce yourself.
This is de-risking your accounts. The more people you know, the more chances of sales conversations you can have.
Track Who’s Leaving Your Buying Committee
When people leave accounts, priorities often leave with them.
Again, if you have only two people in the account on average, what happens when they leave?
Knowing and preparing for this can help mitigate risk by protecting forecasted pipeline deals and retention efforts.
Who Are Your Accounts Hiring? Friends vs Foes?
What if your accounts are hiring your competitors?
This happens more often than we think, especially for larger companies. People switch jobs between companies all the time.
Knowing if potential competitors are connecting in or getting hired in your accounts is massive.
Competitors can sometimes derail forecasted deals and impact churn rates. We can deliver this signal, so you’ll be able to mitigate risk quickly. Know when competitors join or exist in your prospect, named, or customer accounts.
Up-Sell / Cross-Sell Opportunities As New Hires Enter Your Customers & Grow Their Departments
When someone new joins an account, they help create or influence 74% of budgets within nine months. Aligning to them helps boost the sales pipeline and overall growth objectives.
In the same way, getting a promotion can make someone a fantastic stakeholder! Not only do they now influence budgets and decisions, they know their company culture and can be a great advocate for you.
We also deliver these signals to you so that you’re alerted of upselling and cross-sell opportunities as soon as possible.