Fans are former customers. They’re 3 to 5 times more likely to buy from you again.
Only 52% of B2B sellers CSMs are meeting their numbers.
Former customers are up to 5X more likely to buy from you. With the average professional switching jobs often, remonetizing existing relationships is an important growth driver.
New stakeholders create 75% of their budget in the first 3 Quarters of joining. Networking with them improves revenue performance.
Never miss a sales opportunity again.
Not all Buying Intent platforms are created equal. Tracking contacts moving in and out of accounts is valuable – but misses > 50% of all sales opportunities in your market.
Never miss a sales opportunity again.
Imagine there was a group of people that were 3-5 times more likely to buy from you. These are your past or present customer stakeholders! We’ll alert you every time they join prospect, named, or customer accounts.
When people get promoted into positions of influence, they become stakeholders. They now impact budgets and decision-making. Aligning with them helps boost sales pipeline!
When people leave accounts, their priorities often leave with them. Knowing this can help mitigate risk by protecting forecasted pipeline deals and retention efforts.
When someone with a Director-level title or higher joins an account, they help create, influence, and deploy up to 70% of their budget within 100 days. Aligning to them helps boost sales pipeline and overall growth objectives.
Getting a promotion can make someone a fantastic stakeholder! Not only do they now influence budgets and decisions, they know their company culture and can be a great advocate for you.
Competitors can sometimes derail forecasted deals and impact churn rates. With this signal, you’ll be able to mitigate risk quickly. Know when competitors join or exist in your prospect, named, or customer accounts.
This signal tracks key stakeholders leaving your customer base and entering accounts you've never even considered. They fit your ideal customer profile, but because your team has never pursued them in the past, they're not in your database. We'll notify you of every opportunity in these Whitespace/Greenfield accounts.
Capture the buying committee of each account
Track customers on the move
Integrate Signals into Campaigns
Unlimited Seller Enablement (Leads-to-SQL’s)
Today, not tomorrow.
Doesn’t know how
Doesn’t have time
Doesn’t make time
Whatever the reason, your sales pipeline and customer retention rate are affected if you miss out.
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Suite 700
Toronto, Ontario
M4W 3E2
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